Content with Character

6 Ideas to Make Marketing Less Dreadful

Emily Aborn

Text Emily!

Many entrepreneurs and small business owners I talk to DREAD creating content. 

I hear all the reasons: 

  • You get stuck thinking of ideas 
  • You overthinking everything
  • You feel overwhelmed by it
  • You think you need to plan everything perfectly
  • You think everything needs to be perfect, impactful, helpful, valuable, business-related
  • You don't enjoy writing, recording podcasts, sending emails, posting to social media, [fill in the blank here with whatever YOU loathe] 
  • And more! 

In November (National Podcast Host Month!), we're keeping things light, bright, and FUN here on the Content with Character podcast. Today, we're kicking off the fun with 6 ideas to make content creation less stressful, more enjoyable, and far more FUN (yes, it's possible!) 

Join me in this episode for six ideas on making your marketing less dreadful and how it gets a lot more fun when you: 

  1. Dance to the beat of your own drum 
  2. Stop batching (or start batching!) 
  3. Follow your curiosity and excitement 
  4. Use stories from your everyday life and business 
  5. Find a friend or loyal sidekick 
  6. Use prompts 

👉🏻 PLUS, a FREEBIE bonus download with my 20+ Content Writing Prompts to get you started on having more fun right away!

Resources Mentioned

💃🏻 Emily's FREE, no-strings-attached Content Writing Prompts Download

Bring New Life to Your Content episode of The Entrepreneur's Cafe with Erica Ross-Krieger

Four Stories to Share in Your Content (Content with Character Episode from April 2024) 

Connect with Me!
Need help to bring YOUR stories and Content some fresh life?!? Book a Content Strategy Session with Me HERE!

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Who Am I?
I'm a Copywriter, Speaker, and Podcast Host of Content with Character. When it comes to marketing and content creation, I practice what I teach! Over the past decade, I've run brick-and-mortar and online businesses and implemented for myself to grow my businesses. I've worked with 100+ industries as a copywriter, helping 1,000's of individuals write original copy they feel confident sharing. I live in NH with my husband, Jason, and our dog, Clyde. 

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