Content with Character

How to Find Your Unique Brand Voice

Emily Aborn

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"Find Your Voice". Ah, the classic elusive and vague advice shared far and wide across the internet, amiright? 

What does that even mean? How do I find it? Where was it before I found it? Is a brand's voice the same as the business owner's personality? 

Brand Voice is the consistent way you/your business communicate. It’s an art and a science, a careful blend of pacing, rhythm, flow, the words you choose, and the feelings or mood you conjure up. The result is a voice that's distinctly YOU. 

Your Brand Personality might share attributes of your voice, but it’s more of the human traits that make you and your business relatable, recognizable, and have depth and layers. 

Personality is the WHO in your communication. Aka the pilot steering the plane. 

Voice is the HOW in your communication. What kind of plane are we taking to get there? How many stops are we taking? How much fuel do we need? How many people can we fit in here? 

In this episode, I show you the difference between personality and brand voice and give you some tangible examples so you can start defining, embracing, and expressing yours. 

  • 5 Reasons you may struggle to "find your voice"
  • The difference between brand voice and personality 
  • What happens when brand voice and personality aren't aligned 
  • Examples on common brand voices and how they differ
  • Tips on embracing YOUR brand voice 
  • And more! 

Resources & Links Mentioned:
Your Brand Amplified Interview with Anika Jackson: Mastering Content Strategy with a balance of soil, water, sunshine, and wind

My Brand Voice Solutions: Find Your Voice Podcaster Bundles, Brand Messaging Guides, Copywriting Services, Strategy Sessions 

About Me (aka Let's Connect)
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I’m Emily Aborn, I’m a Small Business Copywriter, Content Marketing Consultant, Speaker, and Podcast Host of Content with Character. I'm a dog mom to Mr. Clyde and wife to Jason. Our little family lives in the backwoods of New Hampshire where we spend time hiking, stacking wood for the eternally long and freezing winters, reading, and procuring random and useless knowledge for future trivia games. 

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